Men have been protecting themselves against mosquitoes for thousands years. Why? To protect against mosquito bites carriers of diseases especially malaria. But then, the many failures deal with mosquitoes and the consequences of their bites are obvious. Although the use of fly screens seems to be a return to a rudimentary solution, it remains nowadays the most effective and practical solution. With the arrival of the concept of hinged fly screens, we can say that this is one more step in the fight against mosquitoes.
Are you looking for a fly screen for a door located in frequently used areas of the house? The American-style fly screen style of Noflystore is the best solution. Instead of always moving the fly screen away, with this model, you just have to move the handle which is on the frame to open the entire panel, just like it happens for a traditional door. The only difference is that in this case, mosquitoes stay out of your house!
If in terms of aesthetics they are better solutions, hinged fly screens surely represent the top in terms of toughness and protection. They require little maintenance and have no delicate mechanisms that in the long term could lose their efficacy.
The American-style fly screen works better in frequently used areas, where people often enter the room. Also because it has no rail on the ground, it’s the ideal solution if you have pushchairs or wheelchairs. If this is the right product for you, personalize your purchase by choosing the type of the mesh as well!
The hinged fly screen is highly recommended, because it’s use enter in the fight against malaria. Everyone can buy it, because it’s cheap.